Sticks & Bricks
Guitar Pro Tab | v4.06
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:15 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
What Separates Me From You
Song Author
A Day To Remember and Tom Denney
File Size
41 KB
I remade this song, using the original gp files from sid,
and thereses. cheers for that guys. i found the guitars
to be perfectly accurate.
I've re-made the vocal part, just to add a backing part,
to seperate the two tracks.
Bass was relatively easy to tab, just follows the guitars,
but the drums, i tried exceptionally hard to get right. So
i think its almost perfect now. I can't really tell the
difference ;D
good luck.
Check out Reserved For Betrayers, on
Cheers. Im out.